ATTORNEY Rafael O. Nunez

ATTORNEY Rafael O. Nunez
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Location: Florida
Rafael O. Nunez, Jr., Esq.


Rafael is the owner and founder of The Nunez Law Firm. He opened the doors in 2016 and has continued to advocate for clients against the insurance companies ever since.

Rafael was raised in Southwest Florida where The Nunez Law Firm's Fort Myers office is located. After high school, he moved to Tampa to attend the University of South Florida where he graduated with a degree in Communications in 2009. Rafael then moved to Orlando where he graduated from Florida A&M University College of Law.

During law school, Rafael participated in many activities and clubs, but his favorite activity was working on trial team. As many of his colleagues and former clients will attest, Rafael is an absolute natural in the courtroom. Rafael passed the bar exam on his first attempt and then began his legal career shortly, thereafter.

Rafael is an excellent litigator, fierce negotiator, caring boss and a loving family man. Rafael met his wife while in law school and they share two beautiful daughters together. He is incredibly well rounded which makes him a great person to have on your side when you need someone who can relate, listen to your concerns and fight for what is right.


  • Birth Injuries
  • Brain Injuries
  • Car Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Negligent Security & Inadequate Security
  • Personal Injury
  • Premises Liability
  • Slip & Fall
  • Truck Accidents
  • Wrongful Death

Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice

  • Florida, 2015 State Court Florida,
  • 2021 Federal Middle District Cour


  • J.D., Florida A&M University, College of Law
  • B.A. University of South Florida
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Contact SOS Accident Today

Been in an accident? After you receive medical attention, be sure to contact SOS Accident.

Even though the law allows for up to 2 years for victim's families to file for wrongful death claims or up to 4 years to file personal injury lawsuits, the time frame immediately after the accident is critical since all of the evidence leading up to the crash can still be preserved.

If you contact a pedestrian accident lawyer right now, you can help identify witnesses and other pieces of crucial evidence that could play a central role in your case.
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